Hamburg Buddhist Studies
Hamburg Buddhist Studies
Buddhapada and the Bodhisattva Path
AnālayoBuddhapada and the Bodhisattva PathHAMBURG BUDDHIST STUDIES 82017; 180 pagesISSN 2190-6769ISB..
18.80€ Ex Tax: 17.57€
The Eighth Karmapa’s Life and his Interpretation of the Great Seal
Jim RheingansThe Eighth Karmapa’s Life and his Interpretation of the Great SealA Religious Life and ..
25.80€ Ex Tax: 24.11€
Buddhism and Scepticism
Oren Hanner (ed.)Buddhism and ScepticismHistorical, Philosophical, and Comparative PerspectivesHAMBU..
25.80€ Ex Tax: 24.11€
Burlesque of the Philosophers
Vincent Eltschinger, Jowita Kramer, Parimal Patil, Chizuko Yoshimizu (eds.)Burlesque of the Philosop..
39.80€ Ex Tax: 37.20€
Communities of Memory and Interpretation
Mario Poceski (Ed.)Communities of Memory and InterpretationReimagining and Reinventing the Past in E..
25.80€ Ex Tax: 24.11€
Fleischverzehr und Vegetarismus im indischen Buddhismus
Lambert SchmithausenFleischverzehr und Vegetarismusim indischen Buddhismusbis ca. zur Mitte des erst..
27.80€ Ex Tax: 25.98€
Fleischverzehr und Vegetarismus im indischen Buddhismus bis ca. zur Mitte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr. Part 2
Lambert SchmithausenFleischverzehr und Vegetarismusim indischen Buddhismusbis ca. zur Mitte des erst..
34.80€ Ex Tax: 32.52€
Fleischverzehr und Vegetarismus im indischen Buddhismus, Teil 3
Lambert SchmithausenFleischverzehr und Vegetarismusim indischen Buddhismusbis ca. zur Mitte des erst..
24.80€ Ex Tax: 23.18€
Insight in Perspective
Daniel M. StuartInsight in PerspectiveS. N. Goenka and the Emergence of Global Insight Meditation an..
27.80€ Ex Tax: 25.98€
Practicescapes and the Buddhists of Baoshan
Wendi L. AdamekPracticescapes and the Buddhists of BaoshanHistorical, Philosophical, and Comparative..
34.00€ Ex Tax: 31.78€
Rules of Engagement
Susan Andrews / Jinhua Chen / Cuilan Liu (eds.)Rules of EngagementMedieval Traditions of Buddhist Mo..
26.60€ Ex Tax: 24.86€
The Buddhist Nun´s Ordination in the Tibetan Canon
Carola RoloffThe Buddhist Nun´s Ordination in the Tibetan CanonPossibilities of the Revival of the M..
27.80€ Ex Tax: 25.98€
The Composition and Transmission of Early Buddhist Texts with Specific Reference to Sutras
Mark AllonThe Composition and Transmission of Early Buddhist Texts with Specific Reference to Sutras..
17.00€ Ex Tax: 15.89€
The Da zhidu lun 大智度論 (*Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa) and the History of the Larger Prajñāpāramitā
Stefano ZacchettiThe Da zhidu lun 大智度論 (*Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa)and the History of the Larger Praj..
25.80€ Ex Tax: 24.11€
The Foundation History of the Nuns’ Order
AnālayoThe Foundation History of the Nuns’ OrderHAMBURG BUDDHIST STUDIES 62016; 278 PagesISSN 2190-6..
29.80€ Ex Tax: 27.85€